It's Supposed To Be Simple!

Getting this video onto this blog post involved many steps. To download the video to my phone I had to delete 3 apps to clear space.

My laptop is also complaining about having no space. I have a Canon G7X M11 which streams directly to YouTube. In fact, I’m using this camera specifically because it livestreams to YouTube and the quality is superb. But you need 1000 subscribers on YouTube before this feature can be used - of course.

So, instead, please enjoy my short video taken on my phone using instagram live (follow me after which I pressed the ‘download video’ button to receive a simple message saying ‘error’ without further explanation. I then tried to download an app that saves videos from instagram, but of course, my phone does not have enough space so as I said at the start, I deleted 3 apps.

Phew. I downloaded the video, saved to drive, transferred to laptop, uploaded to vimeo. Deleted the video from laptop. Went back to my phone, deleted the video plus other whatsapp videos taking up precious real estate.

So simple right? No wonder I’ve put this off for weeks now. Lol, the notification on my mac just popped up again.

Screen Shot 2020-06-12 at 11.43.53 pm.png

Canon apologises for losing images stored in the cloud.


It’s Absolutely The Right Time